Advanced Player's Guide

Links: Beginners, Advanced. Glossary

Before you go on reading and getting all excited, we have to tell you that all the links appearing in this page are not yet active.
We hope that during the near future you will be able to see the advanced topics as well.

You have finished practicing and excelling the basic moves, well done !
You think this is it ? You think this is all freestyle has to offer you ?

Well think again !

This section is here to show you there are no limits to what you can do with a frisbee. Here you will learn new throws and catches, you'll get to know the nail delay, you'll practice brushing of all forms and you will see that only your imagination is what stopping you !

Unlike the beginner's section, this section is divided into more than two parts, start with the easiest stuff and try to move on to the more advanced stuff. And here are the different parts on this section :

  • Advanced throws
  • Advanced catches
  • Brushing techniques
  • The Nail Delay
  • Just a few words about practicing :
    You might have learned all the moves from the basic section pretty fast. Do not get frustrated if the techniques here won't come to you as easily, they're not suppose to be easy. That is why they are called "advanced" !

    Take time to polish each move here and when you're done, try and come up with some more techniques that don't appear here.

    Good Luck !