Basic Catches

Links: Beginners, Advanced. Glossary


So, now that you've learned the basic throws you think you are ready to play ?

Wrong !!!

Throwing is nice, that's true. But what are you going to do once the frisbee is thrown to you ? hit it with your head (creative, yet painful) ?

Well, that is why we are here !
This section will teach you the various ways of catching the disc, and of course the ways to impress your viewers (it's all about show, isn't it ?).

As with throws, there are a few tips you should get before trying any of these catches :

  • Don't be afraid of the frisbee
  • Keep your eyes on the disc for as long as you can
  • Keep thumbs down for high catches, and thumbs up for low catches
  • Remember, the weirder you look, the better the catch !
  • By the way, since the site is still being built, there are no pictures in this section. Don't worry, soon enough there will be, and everything will be much easier to understand.

    Enough talking, lets start catching, here is a list of the catches you'll find in this page :

    The pancake catch
    High catches
    Low catches
    Under the leg
    Turn away catches
    The flamingo catch
    Behind the back
    Behind the head
    The chair catch

    General The first and probable most dummest catch there is, but hey, you gotta start somewhere.
    Disc position This catch can be made at any height of the disc, high or low.
    The catch The catch is quite simple : one hand comes on top of the disc, while the other comes at the bottom of it. simply close your hand on the disc like when you're clapping. Easy, isn't it.
    Tips Since this is the first catch you're learning, make sure you apply the guidelines we wrote at the beginning. Wait for the disc, look at it at all times and don't be afraid.
    One more thing : try and close both of your hands on the disc at the same time. Goodluck !
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    High Catches
    General There's no specific catch, it's just an explanation about high catches in general.
    Disc position High catches are catches the disc is at chest level or higher than that.
    The catch All we have to say about high catches is that they should be made with your thumbs on the bottom part of the disc (thumbs down), not the top part.
    Tips Make sure you use this catch at when the disc is at the right height.
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    Low Catches
    General Like in the high catches, this section talks about low catches in general.
    Disc position Low catches are catches the disc is lower than chest level.
    The catch Basically it's the opposite than the high catches : Here use the "thumbs up" position.
    Tips Again, make sure you try this catch at the right height.
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    Under the Leg
    General This throw is a bit more progressive than the previous ones.
    In this catch you simply catch the disc under one of your legs. It's a simple catch and yet impressive.
    Disc position Well, really this catch depends on how high you can lift your leg, but try to keep these catches at your waist level or lower.
    The catch When the disc approaches to your right side(for example), lift your right leg and catch the disc with your right hand under the leg. Another variation is the crossed-leg catch where you will lift your left leg and catch with your right hand (see picture).
    Tips Keep your eyes on the disc and make sure you stand stable before the making the catch.
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    Turn away catches
    General All the turn away catches are simply catches were you wait for the disc and the turn away from it. These are easy to do catches and they are very nice to look at.
    Disc position These catches are done at waist level and higher.
    The catch You have two main catches here and they are the "turn away under the arm catch" and "over the shoulder".
    For the first one, if the disc is at your left side, put your left hand under the right arm and turn to your left (counter).
    The catch will be made when your back is to your partner, so really it's a blind catch.
    The same goes to the "over the shoulder", only here your hand will come over your shoulder (that was a silly sentence, wasn't it ?)
    Tips Since the catch is a blind catch, try and keep your eyes on the disc for as long as you can.
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    General Another basic catch that looks great.
    Disc position This catch will be made when the disc is at your knee level or lower.
    The catch Really this catch is a variation of the "under the leg" catch.
    While keeping your right leg on the ground, lift your left leg.
    The catch should be made with your right hand behind the right leg.
    Tips Wait for the disc, make sure it's at the right height, and then make the catch. Don't run to the disc standing on one leg !
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    Behind the back
    General The first tricky catch of the basic catches.
    Disc position The disc should be between the height of your weist and the height of your arm pit.
    The catch If the disc is coming to your left, turn half a turn to your right, lift your left hand and catch with your right hand behind the back.
    Tips Make sure your lift your left hand and create a big "window" for the disc to pass through.
    Though it looks like a blind catch, it's not ! Don't turn more than half a turn and make sure you see the frisbee at all times.
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    Behind the head
    General Another tricky catch, a bit more scary.
    Disc position Now let the disc be at your head level.
    The catch Like the behind the back (btb) catch, turn half a turn and catch the disc behind your head.
    Remeber to wait till the last second before you make the catch.
    Tips All the tips for the btb catch are the same, but there's another thing : Don't be afraid of the disc. This catch looks dangerous because the disc is close to your head. Don't worry, you'll get used to it.
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    The Chair catch
    General Last but not least, this is the final basic catch.
    Disc position Like in the flamingo catch, the disc should be at your knee level or lower.
    The catch This catch is like the behind the back catch only at low throws. Stand with both legs together, make half a turn and catch the disc behind your legs.
    Tips Keep your legs straight and remember this is not a blind catch, so look at the disc all the time.
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